23rd Apr 2024

Celebrating National Day on Anti Human Trafficking

On the occasion of 8th National Anti Human Trafficking Day, a rally was organized in Kathmandu jointly coordinated and collaborated by the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare and non government organizations working in the anti human trafficking sector. With more than 2000 human rights activists, civil society members, government officials, students, teachers, victims of human trafficking and others marched through the streets of Kathmandu with a slogan in Nepali "Jaagou Jaagou, Manab Bechbikhan Rokna Sabai Lagou (Beware Beware, Let's work together to Combat Human Trafficking)" and placards. Similarly, on 6 September 2014, members/staff of PPR Nepal participated in "Bagmati Cleaning Campaign" organized marking the anti trafficking day. PPR Nepal was the member of Central Level Committee on Anti Human Trafficking Day Celebration headed by the Minister and also a member of the Rally and Publication Sub-Committee.

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